Sunday, November 27, 2011

EDLD5363 Web Conference Reflection

My Thanksgiving travel schedule prevented web conference participation this week; however, I was able to view the recording posted in EPIC. I appreciate the fact the Dr. A. takes the time to post the recording as it provides additional insight and value to the course and learning process.

As always, I learn from my peers - both challenges and triumphs. While I am enrolled in the ETL program, and feel I am a proficient user, I am a video novice. I use technology primarily to manipulate student data; so by the time I come home, I have little tolerance for sitting at the computer again!  Listening to my peers gave me the confidence and courage to try something new.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

EDLD5363 Software Evaluation Blog & PodCast

For six (6) years I served as the director of our local Easter Seals telethon. I followed a tried and true format that included live shots and patient vignettes. Although I was involved in the vignette storyboard, production, and script writing, I left the editing to the professionals at our media partner. I now work closely with the college’s PR and marketing department to develop our marketing and media campaigns for enrollment. My professional experience along with this week’s readings reinforced the value of a good editing.

However, I am more of a still picture person, and have very little personal video. In fact, I am embarrassed to say, this week was the first time a “recorded” my kids using my Blackberry – an eight and six year old doing the turkey tango was too hard to resist! I used this video to practice with Windows Live Movie Maker. I found the software to be rather intuitive and really liked the AutoMovie feature. I know I will use this feature to transform still shots and videos of and for my kids in the future.  I can get frustrated with new software very quickly. I am not a patient “student” and appreciated the ease of loading, editing, adding music and sharing that the Windows Live Movie Maker provides.  I do not anticipate using a video editing product in my current role at the college; however, I know that my staff uses Microsoft video products frequently to send video scrapbooks to K-12 schools who have visited our campuses. It is a great “souvenir” that creates a lasting memory while building a college going culture and brand loyalty.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

EDLD5363 Personal Digital Story

Janet and I collaborated for this assignment using Google Docs. Both of us completed the inquiry/interview process with family and or colleagues and then posted our scripts for feedback and review. I found Photo Story 3 to be intuitive and fun. I plan to use it in the future - both professionally and personally.

Although my video is not necessarily a personal story, it is my passion. So many of the families in South Texas are at risk, poor, under served and under educated. Education will provide the families with a path to the middle class - they just need our support and guidance in navigating an unfamiliar and foreign process.  Enjoy the movie!