Saturday, November 27, 2010

EDUC 5306 Blog Posting #2 – School or District Technology Plan

The Mission CISD Technology Plan 2009-2012 incorporates the four major areas established by the State Long-Range Plan for Technology and outlined in the Texas STaR Chart: 
1.    Teaching and Learning
2.    Educator Preparation and Development
3.    Administration and Support Services
4.    Infrastructure for Technology
The plan acknowledges both the strengths and weaknesses of the district and addresses needs of teachers, students and the district’s technology infrastructure.  Although the district’s STaR analysis reveals that they are above the state and the region in many areas, they have yet to reach Target Tech in any category.  Opportunities to improve in all areas are defined as goals in the technology and district improvement plans, with laser focus on Educator Preparation and Teaching and Learning.
The plans primary needs were extracted from the campus based STaR data and identified the following opportunities for improvement:
·         Teacher Training/Professional Development
·         Technology Integration
·         Student Skill Improvement
·         Technology Course Offerings
·         Acquisition of Equipment and Software
·         Support Personnel
·         Community Access
The district has defined four goals that specifically address each category and include objectives and budget as well as E-Rate and NCLB correlations. Furthermore, the technology plan includes strategies, status, timeline, person(s) responsible and evidence. The comprehensive committee designed the document to be evergreen so that as progress has been made the plan can be updated or corrected.  The evidence provides stakeholders with tools to evaluate the plan’s success and allows for re-direction if necessary.
Ongoing assessment of the plan’s implementation is reviewed by an advisory committee that includes campus and district level representation as well as members from the community. This process ensures that implementation is evident, and that the plan is positively affecting change.

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