Monday, January 17, 2011

Action Research EDLD5301 Week One Assignment

Although I have not realized it, nor given it a formal name, the process we use to refine and revise our practices, policies and procedures at the college is action research. As student affairs professionals we identify the issue (typically a student barrier), collect and analyze the qualitative and quantitative data, implement proposed solutions and finally assess and evaluate those solutions for campus wide implementation. The question at the center of the process is always: “How will this contribute to student success?”

We are fortunate to have institutional effectiveness and research analysis teams that guide us through this process. Their support and assistance is in integral to evaluation and assessment. In addition, they ensure that we do not “drown in the data” nor get distracted by the minutia.

As I read the assigned readings, I had to reflect on how the public school examples can be applied in a higher education setting. While we rely on experts and outside researchers to provide solutions for generalized issues and populations, we are obligated to interpret, apply and implement those solutions in action. I realized through the readings that traditional educational research outcomes are conceptualized prior to application. For example, if the research is designed to determine the impact a program has on full-time students, the impact (positive or negative) on part-time students may not be relevant. In an action research environment, open discussion and review of the data allows practitioners to acknowledge and discuss the program’s impact and success for all students.

I look forward to the opportunity to implement the formal action research process in removing student barriers and enhancing student success. Dana's Inquiry Template will provide a framework for the process during my internship plan (p. 152).


Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

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