EDLD5301 Reflection
I have enjoyed this class…and I really liked the Wednesday to Tuesday format. I appreciated the flexibility the schedule provided for weekend activities. Unfortunately, I have not been able to participate in the web conferences, but I appreciate that Dr. Abshire posts recordings each week for reference and review. I enjoyed the discussion boards, but my lack of classroom experience was evident in my responses. Consequently, my posts generated very little “discussion.”
The theory and practice was much more applicable to my current position in higher
As I reviewed my classmates’ action research topics throughout this class, I realized how vital their plans can be in creating efficient and effective classrooms and campuses. As we enter a tight fiscal year, and state education budget cuts of close to ten billion dollars, our experience in this class will be valuable in exploring innovative ways to save districts and campuses money. I was intrigued by the level of technology resources available in districts that is under-utilized. Budget cuts amid record
Although I have received feedback from my site supervisor, I do miss instructor feedback regarding my work and progress. I was fortunate in that my action research plan was actually a directive, so I did not struggle with the perceived pushback and communication issues that my peers are experiencing. Increasing the graduation rate is an institutional goal, and because I oversee the Registrar’s office, my topic was a natural extension of my current duties at the college. We have an institutional plan in place to guide action research (for us a working taskforce) that includes data, assessment, formative and summative evaluation as well as sustainability.
Throughout the course I realized that I made some assumptions in explaining the root of my wonderings. For example, in discussing the action research project with staff, I assumed they were aware of IPEDS and graduation rates…they were not. I will apply Dana’s (2009) Quality Indicator 2: Wonderings and Purpose in developing my executive summary and professional development for my own staff and colleagues.
I did not incorporate a thorough lit review in my research. The plan was designed to have an immediate impact on graduation rates, and did not provide adequate time for a thorough lit review. I plan to continue my lit review research to provide support to the strategies included in my plan.
Ultimately, as educators, we must ensure that students continue to be challenged in the classroom and not our processes, our bureaucracy, our budget cuts, etc. Action research allows us to be the “problem posers” and “problem solvers” for our own students, faculty and staff (Dana, 2009).
Dana, N. (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: the principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
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